When In Rome...Lose Control (When In Rome) by Lena Mae Hill Book Review

I willingly received a copy of this book from the author or publisher in exchange for an honest review, this in no way influences my thoughts and opinion of this book.

I do not usually read young adult contemporary romance. In this case, I received an email from this author if I wanted to go on her reviewer list and I was like YUSSSS ... 
So I received this book and a two more to review I lost the sequence I wasn't sure which one was supposed to go first so here I am doing whatever I think is in the correct order. 

Reading this book made me feel like a bloody teenager again. The writing was spot on with the characters I was transported to Rome with them. I mean at some point I wanted to kill the main character because she bothered me so much, but I took a step back thought how paranoid I was and what stupid things I have done in that age! 

After accepting that she is annoying as hell you actually accept the character as is.  I enjoyed the book not only for the story but the character development even though at some point I got annoyed. Even though contemporary is not my jam at the moment I would totally pick other books from this author. 

Would I suggest this book?

Yes, it was a good book, but if you hate annoying characters that get on your nerves then maybe not! 
